Sunday, May 3, 2009

MORE 'Up' Clips!

Yep, we're on the final stretch. Up comes out in only 26 days. It is only a matter of weeks until we all get to sit in the dark movie theater with our popcorn, and enjoy the antics of Russell, the lovable grouchiness of Carl, the mystery of a computer-animated South America, the humor of a talking dog, and the beauty of Pixar. But, we still have to wait.

I know, I hate to wait for that, too, but we have to.

Anyways, I have some clips from Up that may cheer you up. Watching these may make it a bit easier to wait.

This first one is a short featurette, Inside Up: Dug the Talking Dog, all about everybody's favorite South American talking Dog: Dug. It is very interesting, and very funny:

This next one is on It is called Ditch 'Em and it is a short clip of Carl trying to escape from Russell and Kevin. Enjoy! (If you don't want to watch the Jonas Brothers first, you'll have to select the Up clip on the right)

If you are still thirsty for more Up, look at all of many articles about it. (This Pete Docter interview is especially interesting).

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