With the release of Up almost upon us, I can hardly keep up with the waves of unrelenting, interesting, time-sensitive news! So, in an effort to provide you with all of the latest and Up-to-date news about Pixar's almost-released film, here is yet another set on links, all about Up!
- MTV has confirmed that a character that can be found in the teaser for Up will be a major character in Toy Story 3. See the picture above for a still straight from the trailer, look in te bottom left for the character who will soon be meeting Woody and the gang. No other information on this bear character has been released, but you just gotta love the nice attention to detail that Pixar provides by tossing in little Easter eggs just for us. Oh, and if any of you can find anymore of the Pizza Planet truck or find the A113 reference in Up, I give you kudos. I know that I'll be looking for 'em (the third or fourth time I see the film, anyways). Pixar's genuine caring for the audience is outstanding, no other studio in the world is like Pixar, if you ask me...
- Disney and More has a great article accompanied by a wonderful gallery of images from the red carpet premiere of Up at Cannes! Check it out here.

- SHOCKING: Up has received its first (and hopefully last) negative review! It is by the Wall Street Journal, and is entitled: "Reaching for the Sky, 'Up' Fails to Soar". Read it here, if you dare.
That's about all there is for now. be sure to come back tomorrow for my review of Up! I can't believe I get to see it in less than 16 hours! Anyways, be sure to come back tomorrow for a full, comprehensive review of Pixar's 10th feature film.

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